Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The up side of weight...

I didn't want to post yesterday because I had a horrible weigh in. I gained 3.7 pounds back of the 6 I had lost. Needless to say I had a tough week. I ate outside of my points more than I thought...apparently. So, I am back on track. This stinks, but that is what I deserve when I don't put forth the effort I should.

This week I am back on track.

Moderation (Jennifer's last post suggestion) is my goal.

Down (not numerically) and out!



Jorge said...

The hardest thing about keeping up with points is keeping up with points.

I know sometimes I think I can eat several small point treats without hurting my weight but it always backfires because I overlook how much "little" stuff I am actually eating.

I try to go for larger point values that are filling, like PB & J sandwiches on that Nature's Own Double Fiber bread, & canned fruit in light juice or splenda juice.

I always argue that if I don't loose weight because I ate too much fruit, then it can't be a bad thing.

The truth is that I don't loose weight because I eat the junk sold in boxes, fastfood, & too much of the calorie rich stuff.

Oh, and keep drinking water until you pee yourself.

Anonymous said...

Andrea, we all fall. Today, my lesson in teaming with 2nd grade was about this very thing. When a baby learns to walk they take a step, fall, get up and try again. They eventually make it because they do not give up. We will make it because we will not give up. You are still ahead of the game. List all the rasons you want/need to lose weight and post them places you will see them often during the day. Love ya. Pam

Jorge and Amy said...

keep it up Andra. . . remember water weight too! Keep it up. . . you'll get there!