Monday, January 12, 2009

Reflection and A New Challenge

I just wanted to remind you to check out the comments at the end of each post.  There are some good ones.  If there are comments on a post, it will say so at the bottom right hand corner of each post in little blue letters!

So, I weighed this morning and I've lost about half a pound.  Am I surprised?  No.  When I reflect back on my week, I see that I did work out, but not as hard as I could have.  I tend to wuss out a little.  I also see that I ate hamburgers (at least three times) pizza, cookies, and I filled my bag (read Tips post) with m&ms, jelly bellys, chips, cookies, etc.  I was not aware of how much I mindlessly snacked or how much sugar I consumed!  I thought taking out the DPs would help, and it did, but I obviously have more to do.  This week I am going to focus on eating better.  I don't think I eat just a ton of food, usually, but I do tend to gravitate toward the junk.  I am trying to cut down on processed foods and foods that contain ingredients that I can't say or don't know what they are!  Oh, and I want to cut down on the mindless snacking.  Hopefully these things will help and I will have better things to report.  Though a half a pound loss isn't bad, those little half a pounds can add up!!

My challenge to you for this something selfish!  I know it is hard (harder for you Zant girls than me, I think) to not focus on helping everyone else, making them happy, and take a few moments for yourself, but I think it is important to do.  Last week I left Ava with a friend one morning and went and got my haircut, then she and I went and ate lunch and shopped a little.  The next day I took Ava to my mom in Garland and I went shopping by myself.  I now have some cute clothes that fit my post baby body, and I feel more like myself than I have since I had Ava.  I think it is very important to schedule in some "me" time every week, because part of the motivation to get in shape and get healthy is loving yourself, and doing something just for you everyone once in a while helps!  So take some time this week, be it 5 minutes or 5 hours, and do something for yourself!

1 comment:

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

I did something...I left my kid with my sister and went and worked out both yesterday and today!