Sunday, February 1, 2009

Page's Post

Well, I spoke to Amy and she asked me to contribute to the blog since I do so well! Well I am here to tell you that I don't do so well. If you consider a having a bad body image and a low self-esteem doing good, then I am doing great. I am working on my body image and self-esteem but I still have a long ways to go. Since you all have been so open and honest, and I've taken this off my personal website, then I guess it is time for me to share. 

Growing up my mom was ALWAYS on a diet. She was always trying to lose weight, trying to look better, etc. I have to give her credit for teaching me to at least eat healthy food, but she didn't teach me anything about loving the body that God gave me. Now that I look back, I can see that she didn't know how to love her self and didn't realize what a wonderful mother God had made her. I also know now, that she had several friends that struggled with eating disorders so she was surrounded by women that hated their bodies. 

With all that said, I was always the fat kid growing up. I was one of, if not, the biggest girls in my class until the eight grade. I can remember going swimming when I was in the seventh grade and hearing one of the guys yell “Free Willy,” as I jumped off the high dive. That was the last time I ever jumped off the high dive. I can remember my mom telling me that if stopped drinking cokes and eating candy, I could lose some weight. Once I started athletics, I dropped the pounds and started to get attention from some not so nice guys. All this led me down a path that I truly regret today. I had no self esteem; I thought I was fat, very ugly, and unworthy. I also spent four years in a relationship with a guy that was emotionally abusive. Telling me any chance he had that I was a little chubby, you better not eat that, no one else will ever want you, etc…… 

So, leaving high school I had a very horrible relationship with food. I ate when I was sad, mad, scared, happy, lonely, depressed, or just bored. I didn’t eat to feed my body. I ate to avoid facing my emotional scars. My emotional eating led to binging and purging. I would eat, and eat, and eat until I could stand it. And then…… know the rest of the story. I did this for several years off and on. During this time, I watched my sister struggle with her own eating issues and felt helpless. I didn’t know how to help because I was so lost in my own problems. I was dating Lane and we were working on building my self-esteem. I say we, because he was my life saver. He helped show me that God made me beautiful and made me for a purpose. 

Today, I can proudly say that I love myself for who I am. God me special, He made me unique, He made me for a purpose, He made ME. I still find myself looking at other women and wondering how they can be so skinny. Why can’t I lose this last 10 lbs? If only I was a little smaller, I would look so much better. These thoughts enter my mind often and I have to stop and pray. I have to start counting my blessings and refocus. I have to remember what is important. Before we started having children I prayed for all boys. I didn’t want girls. I didn’t want them to go through all the struggles I went through. I didn’t want them to face this mean and ugly world. Well, God had different plans. Plans that included 3 beautiful little girls. 

My goal is to be a Godly woman that my girls can look up to. I want them to see me taking care of my body. Not someone who is always dieting, comparing myself to others, or putting myself down. I want to be healthy. I exercise because it makes me feel better. I like to eat fruits and veggies because they make me feel good. I hate the way I feel after I eat a real fatty meal. I feel sluggish, sleepy, and gross. I currently weigh 151 lb and would like to weigh 140 lb. I am nursing so I can’t cut calories but I can exercise and make good choices. Just this morning, I was putting myself down because I still can’t wear my old jeans. Then at church, one of the ladies told me that I was looking really good. Isn’t God great! He knows my struggles and is always encouraging. Thanks for letting me share.


Anonymous said...

Page, I am so glad you are contributing. Even "thin" people have weight related issues and it appears you are dealing well with yours. You are always so positive in your comments and encouraging that we can all benefit from your input. Thanks for taking us off your personal blog. To have our own little private group is comforting. I know that 10-11 pounds fr someone can be as tough as 50 for another. Health is what we all are working for. Let's keep encouraging each other. Pam

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

Page, thanks for sharing. I appreciate all of your comments as well and look forward to a healthier lifestyle.